ContextCapture User Guide

The production options

When producing in 3MX format, you can set a number of options, shown in the screen capture below:

As the 3MX is an exchange format with a broader use than just web publishing, certain options are not appropriate for web use. Inversely, exporting for web requires a certain set of options that are not necessarily needed if the intent is interoperability with over software.

When choosing the export options, you should consider what will be the main use for your production.

  1. The first option is the “Web ready” flag. When this flag is checked, all settings are optimized for a web production. In addition, the production will include the ContextCapture Web Viewer application, so all is ready for a (quasi-)direct use of the production on a website. Unchecking the “Web ready” can still produce a valid web scene, but you have to take more care on setting the appropriate options.
  2. “Include proxy 3D model” creates a geometry indicating the footprint of your scene (see image below). This geometry will be shown while waiting for the true geometry to be loaded. If you uncheck this option, nothing will mark the area where the scene is.
  3. The “Generate ContextCapture Web Viewer application” option produces the ContextCapture web application next to the 3D scene in 3MX format. The application is used to display the scene in a browser, as described in the “How to deploy the production” section.
  4. If “Include texture maps” is checked, the model textures will be generated, and a single texture will be at most of the “maximum texture” size. If “Include texture maps” is unchecked, no texture will be generated for the model. For web viewing, it is important that textures should not surpass 2048 pixels in size (either width or height).
  5. “Keep untextured regions” will generate geometry for areas that were reconstructed, but with no texture recovered from the images. If unchecked, the untextured regions will be replaced by holes.
  6. The “Level of detail” technology permits the decrease in the complexity of the scene as it moves away from the viewer. If this option is checked, simplified versions of the scene are generated alongside the most refined reconstruction. Moreover, the geometry is split into parts that are faster to load. The node size indicates how big a geometry part should be.
  7. Lastly, the “Skirt” option adds an additional border around each geometry node and around each tile, to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt is not tangent to the 3D model: it lies in the boundary of the 3D region of the node, and it is oriented towards the interior of the 3D model.